aj-4 10 hours ago

Just wanted to share this cool project I built that I hope can turn into something bigger

Basically, AI creates a brand profile based only on a website URL

It uses a combination of 3 social media APIs and some scraping to aggregate influencer data with keywords from the brand site (this was very hard to do at low cost!)

Then it checks profiles individually and scores them based on content performance, audience demographics, and brand-fit

Finally, it auto-contacts the highest scorers on behalf of the brand, so basically brand owners just get positive replies from qualified influencers

I'm really hoping the price point will make influencer marketing more accessible for small to medium sized brands who don't have dedicated marketing departments.

Especially because you can get some insane ROI output with micro influencers in particular.

Any case thanks for reading and there's a no-card trial if it sounds interesting to anyone!

Very open to feedback as well, cheers

  • rkrueger1 4 hours ago

    This is very cool! Would love to speak with you more about your solution. I’ve been reviewing a bunch of different Influencer Marketing platforms and have some feedback. Feel free to hit me back at rich.j.krueger (at) gmail.com.