Ask HN: What browser do y'all use?
An age-old question. I've been testing out various browsers but haven't found one that truly satisfies me. Any recommendations?
An age-old question. I've been testing out various browsers but haven't found one that truly satisfies me. Any recommendations?
"Begin disabling installed extensions still using Manifest V2 in Chrome stable" (
552 points by freedomben 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 474 comments
Firefox is the alternative to a Chrome hegemony (
1360 points by gmemstr on Nov 29, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 659 comments
Chrome at home, Edge at work. I should probably think more about it, but I really don't. I use 1Password for everything and the only feature I lean on in any browser is bookmarks.
I try to Tor at home when I can. For everything else, generally Firefox.
Safari purely because of the integration with Apple Passwords / Mail / iMessage
Since I work at MSFT, I use Edge on my work computer. My personal computer I use Chrome. I like to keep my bookmarks and browsing history separate between work and personal.
I use some of the same extensions (Bitwarden being the most important, and Freedom for blocking social media and other timewasters, until 8pm each day).
Iridium. Great if you want a privacy-respecting Chromium but seldom updated.
Computer: Firefox and occasional Ungoogled Chromium. Firefox for the plugins and standards.
Mobile: Fennec, IronFox (Mull discontinued), Bromite, Ungoogled Chromium. I much prefer tab management in Fennec/Firefox variants.
Firefox, with lots of tweaks. Out of box it is as dumb as chrome. After tweaks it’s half as dumb, but bearable.
My “truly satisfies” is in vivaldi / presto opera sector. I switched to avoid sudden dead end due to mv3.
Can you share your couple of tweaks?
Had been using ungoogled chromium but now I use zen browser. There was an issue with firefox based browsers but removing the cache fixed it.
Zen is lovely
DuckDuckGo. Very performant, maybe because of the tracker blocking.
Safari personal. Edge for work.
I read HN content from Falkon Browser.
Safari for everything personal.
Chrome for work.
Android - Fennec
Desktop - Icecat