Show HN: A little go program to git tag the next tag you need

6 points by andrewfromx 2 days ago

I got sick of watching my github actions page waiting for a step to complete before tagging the next step. You set three env vars:




And then run ./workflow-poller and it will keep polling github api (ListRepositoryWorkflowRuns) for your current `git rev-parse HEAD` value and status == "completed".

oh_fiddlesticks a day ago

Would you mind giving a more detailed use case for this? I feel it might be useful to me but for lack of understanding on my part.

  • andrewfromx 6 hours ago

    sure, in order to deploy at my company you have to tag it and then wait. You can't do the next tag until that first tag's action is done. So I end up refreshing the github actions page over and over. Or I go do something else and then forget about it and now the deploy is delayed. And it's not just 1 more tag. It's a series of tags before the thing is finally deployed and live. This give me just 1 thing to run and then I can walk away and know that each step has been done as soon as possible with me the human not having to do anything more.