Bootstrapping a Small-C compiler for transputer and Operating System in 1995 7 points by nanochess a day ago
pjmlp 13 hours ago Another C dialect from similar vintage was the one listed on the mid-80's "A book on C", quite thin on features versus K&R C.Quite interesting article by the way. nanochess 9 hours ago Thanks! First time I see this book. I just noticed it is also based on Small-C and contains the whole compiler. Nice! pjmlp an hour ago It is another dialect, RatC.
nanochess 9 hours ago Thanks! First time I see this book. I just noticed it is also based on Small-C and contains the whole compiler. Nice! pjmlp an hour ago It is another dialect, RatC.
Another C dialect from similar vintage was the one listed on the mid-80's "A book on C",
Also quite thin on features versus K&R C.
Quite interesting article by the way.
Thanks! First time I see this book. I just noticed it is also based on Small-C and contains the whole compiler. Nice!
It is another dialect, RatC.