Show HN: I built an app to stop me doomscrolling by touching grass

624 points by risquer 6 hours ago

i wanted to change the habit of reaching for my phone in the morning and doomscrolling away an hour so i built an app to help me. now i have to literally touch grass before accessing my most distracting apps

the app is built in swiftui, uses the screen time apis provided by apple and google vision to recognise grass or not

i'd love to get your thoughts on the concept.

camtarn 5 hours ago

This is a hilarious concept and would probably genuinely help. Nicely done!

I used to have a similar issue with hiding inside all the time (during Covid times, of course) and to motivate myself to go outside, I started an Instagram of tiny little plants growing in cracks in the pavement. I tried to add a new tiny plant every day or two, which meant that I had to wander further and further afield to find a suitable specimen. It wasn't perfect, but was quite motivating.

  • CincinnatiMan 4 hours ago

    I love the irony here. Going outside into “real life” to find pictures to post on a site that keeps people inside.

    • johnmaguire 2 hours ago

      "[...] the outside world, the non-digital world, is merely a theatrical space in which one stages and records content for the much more real, much more vital digital space. One should only engage with the outside world as one engages with a coal mine. Suit up, gather what is needed, and return to the surface." -- bo burnham, Inside

      • thatcat 2 hours ago

        solid bit, but weird transition into pirate maps

        • johnmaguire 2 hours ago

          Inside is a feature-length movie filmed during the pandemic, definitely worth watching in its entirety if you haven't. It's incredibly creative. I linked the video at the second of three "bits" performed in a single scene. In this scene, he's pretending to be a standup comedian in front of an audience, hence the multiple jokes. Bo actually previously used the pirate joke in The Big Sick:

    • Sharlin 4 hours ago

      TBH I don't think Instagram particularly keeps people inside given that >99.99% of its users use it exclusively on mobile.

      • bentaber 4 hours ago

        Because people don’t use their phones at home?

    • Aurornis 2 hours ago

      From what I’ve seen, Instagram is better at motivating young people to go outside and do things than video games were in the 90s or even today.

      With Instagram they see their friends doing things and it’s a reminder that going outside and/or spending time with friends is fun. There’s a lot of pearl clutching about people getting jealous about other people’s vacation pictures, but on the whole the active Instagram users I know are much more social and likely to spend time outside the house than the gamers or Redditors. By a wide margin.

      • acyou an hour ago

        Is this still true though? My gut feeling is that most Instagram users are now passive, meaning they doomscroll and never post while lying in bed in their parents basement while their 20s sail by.

        Not so much a stereotype as a reflection of the real people I know.

        I think we used to see much more content from friends, I think the feed is now mostly content creators/ads/tiktokified, no?

        • lou1306 an hour ago

          You do have power onto your own feed (well, limited power). I snooze suggestions every month and follow basically zero content creators: I'd say 90% of my followees are people I've met irl. If I want to doomscroll and feel awful, the Explore/Reels tabs are more than enough.

  • satyarthms 4 hours ago

    I'm a connoisseur of plants growing in cracks in the pavement, mind sharing a link?

    • camtarn 3 hours ago
      • mattcantstop 2 hours ago

        I'd be cool to create a simple template that you could repeat for each post in video form:

        - The plant - The location (sidewalk, park, etc) - Native vs non-native? - Seen as a weed or flower/desirable plant? - Who pollinates it.

        I just subscribed.

      • satyarthms 2 hours ago

        Nice pics, very heartwarming and solarpunk!

    • InDubioProRubio 4 hours ago

      Bricky roads They trappers grass Stony walls They trappers wind Iron stove It trappers fire Trappers is we By the works of hands And forgets us We were ever free...

  • risquer 3 hours ago

    I really love that, would you mind sharing the insta?

racktash 3 hours ago

Fun idea!

I am always astounded how hard it can be to break doom scrolling as a habit DESPITE knowing how much better I feel when I can't / don't do it.

When I don't do it, I will often spend my time doing something personally productive, but even if I do nothing at all instead, it's still better – my head is clearer, I can think so much better; I feel more content and optimistic about life in general; time goes slower.

namuol 4 minutes ago

Cute, but it might be time to ditch your smartphone if you really want to change.

ColeShepherd 12 minutes ago

I would love an app with a configurable "unlock" task. Ex:

- Do a quick mindfulness/breathing exercise.

- Answer a quick quiz question related to something you're learning.

- Remind you of pending to-dos

Anyone know of an app like this?

yssrnjm 16 minutes ago

App not recommended for Canadians. Unless someone makes a 'touch snow' plugin.

  • redeux 11 minutes ago

    Some for people who live in the Southwest US, unless someone makes a 'touch dirt' or 'touch cactus' plugin.

freetonik 3 hours ago

Very cool concept! I wanted to make a similar thing a few years ago, but for a slightly different purpose: force myself to walk more. I built an iOS app called Geostreaks [1] with a simple mechanic: pick an outdoor location (for example, a nearby park) and “check in” there every day.

I couldn’t justify the yearly developer fee though, so the app has been removed from the App Store a few years later :(


basisword 5 hours ago

Nice idea. I feel like we don't see as many fun/whimsical apps these days as we did 10-15 years ago.

  • beAbU 4 hours ago

    Geolocate the user to ensure that at least the touching of a picture of grass tookplace outside.

    • aembleton 2 hours ago

      And then update that location on OSM as having grass

  • vitaflo 4 hours ago

    Whimsical doesn’t make money and we are a society of sellouts.

    • thruway516 a minute ago

      But when we had fart app everyone said civilization was coming to an end

    • Ginguin 4 hours ago

      We are a social species living in a world where everything is commodified, and to survive means trying to find a way to exist in that space. It creates a mindset where even a simple hobby needs to somehow create profit, because everything around us requires we have and/or create money over all of the less tangible things that actually make humans happy.

      Some people have the luxury of being able to step around that mindset, even if only for a little bit, but there is less and less space for just existing.

      • robocat 7 minutes ago

        Well said. I hear my arty/crafty friends get recommended to sell their "works". Thinking of art as an investment is a scourge.

        Unfortunately money is useful, even if the game of chasing it is stupid and can be doomingly addictive. Looking after it for retirement is hell and trains one to be tight or a gambler.

        The worst part is that we all know other things are more important than money: most people seem to choose jobs for their invisible benefits rather than financial outcomes. Our world runs because of our internal goals rather than money. The teacher that wants to help their students. The taxi driver that just likes to meet people. The engineer that strives for perfection.

        The social incentives are whacko, and the government incentives are often insane. I have some admiration for those that find a way to get the benefits of society at the lowest time costs to themselves.

        We fear we live in a purely capitalist world - yet the invisible incentives (economic surplus) are what makes everything work. The danger of seeing everyone else as a money grubber, while knowing that we ourselves are driven by better motivations.

    • Cthulhu_ 2 hours ago

      The other factor is that there were too many "whimsical" apps, which were mostly variations of drinking beer, iphone guns, or fart apps. Apple cracked down hard on those by adding rules about similar / copycat apps or low value apps.

      • basisword 2 hours ago

        There were lots of those. Back when you could easily sell rubbish for 99¢ making copying popular apps possibly worthwhile. But there's still latitude for creativity. I came across this[1] Mac app at the end of last year which decorates your desktop with Christmas lights. Completely useless, but very fun and whimsical. I feel like there used to be more of this. There also used to be more creativity in functional apps too when development was less focussed on metrics/engagement. I feel like even the more fun indie apps started copying the 'big guys' with complex onboarding tutorials, gamification, and upselling. Maybe it was just because the platforms were newer and simpler back then. Maybe it's rose tinted glasses :)


    • SketchySeaBeast 4 hours ago

      Is it possible that we're not as comfortable as we were a decade ago? I'll admit to having no aspirations to make that next killer app, but that's because I'm fairly financially secure, not wealthy by any means, but a decent paying job with a pension, and I know that's a privileged position the days.

      • vitaflo 3 hours ago

        People always say this but it tends to be the poor broke art kids who create some crazy cool shit for the hell of it that eventually becomes commodified.

  • risquer 3 hours ago

    Thank you! It's a silly idea but it does actually work for me

  • mhh__ 4 hours ago

    iBeer seems so quaint now

    • y-curious 4 hours ago

      Check out this fake lighter app I have

bloopernova 3 hours ago

I added to uBlock Origin's filters list. I can still visit it, but there's now a screen asking me if I'm sure I want to go there. It's stopped me a few times, and it's breaking that muscle memory of "pick up phone & check reddit/etc"

  • cryptopian 2 hours ago

    A few years back, I realised how bad the addiction was when I deleted a couple of apps. While doing other things on my phone, I'd autopilot going to the apps list and tapping the empty space where Reddit/Twitter used to be. You're right, that little bit of friction is enough to make you stop and ask "what am I really getting out of this?"

  • hartator 3 hours ago

    What about the app?

    • bloopernova 3 hours ago

      I have never installed it.

      I prefer to access things through a web browser.

      • cryptopian 2 hours ago

        I actually found that certain browser equivalents of attention sucking apps were poor quality enough that using them only through the browser was enough friction to wean myself off them. is especially badly optimised for anything other than a desktop screen.

        • kjkjadksj an hour ago

 is the only way reddit loads on my se2. The actual mobile website just times out with half the comments loaded every time. A lot of noticeable lag. It is a super heavy site in comparison with

        • whamlastxmas 2 hours ago

          For me, it’s that I have a million keyword and subreddit filters on my desktop computer and Reddit is unreadable for me without those filters, so I never read it on my phone

moontear 19 minutes ago

How is it blocking other apps? Is it creating apple shortcuts which go through this app as a launcher?

duxup 5 hours ago

This is going to be rough up north where I am, too much snow.

  • adverbly 4 hours ago

    Same problem here... Trying to think of some substitutions:

    1. Touch snow

    2. See the sun while outdoors.

    3. Say hi to someone in person.

    4. Text a friend or family member.

    5. Touch a tree.

    I think touch a tree would be the most direct substitution. Something to be said for a social substitution too though, but it probably doesn't match the initial intent of touching grass.

    • madmountaingoat 4 hours ago

      Of course no one needs an app to do any of this, but the general idea of getting out and touching a tree, climbing a snowbank, going out without a coat or hat for a few minutes when it's freezing are all the sorts of things that keep me happy during in the winter.

    • rob74 3 hours ago

      Besides, depending on your location, touching a tree might also be more hygienic than touching grass (e.g. if you happen to be in an area used for dog-walking).

  • risquer 3 hours ago

    I plan on letting the user select what they have to touch, for launch it's just grass but customisation is on the way!

  • hmmm-i-wonder 5 hours ago

    Its all ice and snow outside. I'd be locked out for a while

    Then again maybe that would be a good thing.

  • moolcool 4 hours ago

    I'm up in icy Canada, but a social media hibernation might do me well.

    • alaithea 20 minutes ago

      Hibernating? Touch Bear.

      You'll never use social media again.

    • duxup 4 hours ago

      As fast as some social media circles move I imagine come spring it's possible to not understand the context of most of what is being posted.

      • cjbgkagh 4 hours ago

        Sounds like a good way for a temporary fix to become a permanent one.

  • ge96 3 hours ago

    Make an Instagram of tiny snowmen with different scarves

  • Etheryte 5 hours ago

    From touch grass to shovel snow for a while and then touch grass.

  • Gys 5 hours ago

    Dark times...

tibbetts an hour ago

Needs a mode where touching snow counts.

  • alaithea 21 minutes ago

    I was thinking the same. Grass is hard to come by in my neck of the woods right now. Maybe "touch bark?"

  • KMnO4 an hour ago

    Just don't doomscroll until spring.

  • layer8 an hour ago

    Google for “indoor grass”.

pcthrowaway 3 hours ago

People are just going to carry a patch of fake grass around with them to bypass the checks. So I suspect the reviews will be astroturfed.

  • asystole 2 hours ago

    This is on the order of the "descartes before the whores" joke on reddit years ago. Generational stuff

  • jakelazaroff 2 hours ago

    Maybe the best joke I've seen in ~10 years of regularly checking this site, 10/10

  • vladdrak 39 minutes ago

    “Fresh Patch Indoor Potty Grass” is going to make a killing out of this.

  • myvoiceismypass 32 minutes ago

    Reviewing this app is a sod job, but someone's gotta do it

  • oniony 2 hours ago

    Why bother you when you dye your private turf green?

  • dkenyser 3 hours ago

    This gave me a good chortle. Thanks.

  • jnsie 2 hours ago


  • m3kw9 2 hours ago

    Just google grass pics? The thing is if you are gonna cheat anyways you can just not use the app and you “win”

wcfrobert 2 hours ago

This is so bizarre! We live in a world where companies invest billions and hire the best researchers all to capture our attention and serve ads. And now, to claw back any sort of agency, we resort to this.

etothepii 4 hours ago

One sec was great for breaking my YouTube shorts habit but the safari plugin only works 90% of the time and in some way the "gambling nature" of hitting reload and getting in sometimes has made it worse.

Baggie 5 hours ago

my neighborhood is very low on grass will tree support be added? I like them better and we have a lot more of them

sincerely, Lorax

  • szszrk 4 hours ago

    A/B testing. You got a high difficulty variant.

  • BobAliceInATree 4 hours ago

    I live in the middle of Manhattan not near a park. There is zero grass near me that I would touch.

yieldcrv 8 minutes ago

What I would love is social unlock, where your friends have to approve or deny your requests

I didn't realize there was a screen time api! I was waiting on Apple to do it, now I'll have to do it and wait for Apple to commit an antitrust violation and do it after it gains traction!

Over3Chars 13 minutes ago

In San Francisco, touching grass is a hazardous activity.

dudefeliciano 5 hours ago

I love this, the internet needs more of these weird concept apps. As another commenter mentioned, perhaps this could be extended for people that don't have grass around them due to season/location? Touch snow, touch sand, etc

  • risquer 3 hours ago

    Thanks man! I plan on letting the user set what they have to touch, it's on the roadmap!

  • FollowingTheDao 4 hours ago

    "I love this app that gets me off of my phone!"

    "We need more apps!"

    Can we just sit and mediate and listen to ourselves grasping?

    • dudefeliciano 4 hours ago

      Uhm I think you misunderstood me. What I meant is that I love these trivial, fun, silly apps that make the internet more interesting. You can certainly sit and meditate whenever you want

woadwarrior01 4 hours ago

Why does the app need to collect location data?

  • SSLy 3 hours ago

    1. Information Collection 1.1 Required Permissions

        Location: Used solely to determine local sunset times; location data is not stored or transmitted
    • Cthulhu_ 2 hours ago

      Wouldn't checking the time (which should include TZ data) and comparing it with a database be adequate or can you not get local timezone data without permissions?

      • busymom0 2 hours ago

        You can get local timezone data without permissions in iOS.

        But I think the OP's app is using the location data to ensure you walked a few meters to touch grass and not just have a patch of grass at your desk.

    • risquer 3 hours ago

      Yeah exactly, thanks!

  • andy_ppp 2 hours ago

    Presumably you don't need to let the app have access for it to work?

  • tonyhart7 4 hours ago

    to locate user location ofcourse

  • m_mueller 4 hours ago

    are you telling me it actually checks the GPS coordinates against satellite images? ....

Oras 3 hours ago

I had an idea to lock my phone until I burn x calories. So, I cannot see notifications or open any app unless I achieve the goal. When I checked, it was impossible to do that with Apple, It's great to know that you can lock apps, though! I love the concept.

simondanerd 5 hours ago

Is there an Android version coming soon?

Also it would be better if you kept Instagram uninstalled... I see it installing on the screenshot!

  • risquer 3 hours ago

    Soon...ish Android equivalent is hard but it is in the back of my mind!

  • mikragor 4 hours ago

    Technically, the icon displays the app as paused from the time limit. Once you surpass the time limit using the app, you can stop using it or allow you temporarily (1 minute to 15 minutes or stop limiting the usage for today) to continue to use it. It's a neat option to have this on your phone, but I usually keep expanding my time limit more than just quitting the app. I think that's what this app is aiming for, allowing you to use the app more time requires more effort than 2 taps.

NalNezumi 4 hours ago

Awesome idea.

But knowing myself, I'll probably just end up buying a plant and put it next to my table and end up using it

nofunphil 3 hours ago

Love this. But wonder if it would work better if there was an incentive tied to using your phone less, ie. Rewards points for staying off socials.

wkirby 2 hours ago

This is fun, but there's an amusing oxymoron embedded in needing an app on my phone to verify that I'm... not using my phone

lee 2 hours ago

You can probably expand your user base to Canadians by also adding a "touching snow" feature.

  • bbarnett 13 minutes ago

    A white wall would qualify, so maybe you'd have to pee a letter into the snow to unlock.

luxuryballs 14 minutes ago

I was thinking about this recently and was trying to determine if I could take advantage of some kind of accessibility settings or otherwise to contextually/periodically disable the gestures that doom scrolling depends on entirely, on fly.

harrison_clarke 32 minutes ago

fun idea

i'm not going to see any grass for another few months, unless i travel somewhere warmer, though

mateusfreira 5 hours ago

Can we change it to unblock only when I do 10 pushups? I would love to get that to my Nephew and Nieces phone

NotAnOtter 3 hours ago

I bit of UX tweaking and this could see a lot of traction as a snarky reply, a la "Let me google that for you".

jjkaczor 2 hours ago

Instructions unclear, all I see around me is snow...

mclau156 3 hours ago

I have had an idea like this but instead it is a few minutes of breathing exercises with a calm nature background, then it unlocks your other apps

freeone3000 3 hours ago

I have a user issue: there is currently 3 feet of snow outside and no grass to be seen :P

zawaideh 3 hours ago

Can I touch snow instead? There is no grass in sight in Canada this time of the year

  • jjkaczor 2 hours ago

    Same thought... ("Instructions unclear, all I see around me is snow")

    Never worry, it will melt when the scorched-earth tactics are used...


bloomingkales 4 hours ago

What if someone tries to cheat and just touch a picture of grass? You need to understand that the no-touch-grass people are Machiavellian.

  • seafoamteal 4 hours ago

    The only person they're cheating is themselves. Any systems designed to help you curb phone addictions only work if you do the legwork and are in the mindset of wanting to improve. The systems are only guardrails to lean on when you're tired. If you decide to vault the rails, that's not sustainable in any way.

  • loloquwowndueo 4 hours ago

    You’re cheating yourself in that case. Or to put it another way, if you really don’t want to comply you can just delete the app.

  • risquer 3 hours ago

    Yeah, just echoing what people have replied but I did try put some safeguards in such as screens - if it detects a screen it won't unblock your apps

awaseem 3 hours ago

Damn I love this! how was the process of getting approval from the app store? Wondering if you had to send videos instead of having reviewers touch grass. I launched Foqos earlier this month: and the review was brutal plus the form you need to submit to get permissions for Family activity

  • risquer 3 hours ago

    Review was surprisingly simple, no videos or anything needed. I submitted at 11PM by 11:30PM it was approved, I've never experienced that for a new app...

    • awaseem 3 hours ago

      Damn so jealous haha. Love the app happy to support in anyway!

awslattery an hour ago

DLC for a dust mode, for those of us in Southern Arizona?

baxtr 4 hours ago

Great concept! However my mind started already coming up with ideas how to circumvent this like printing out a color picture of grass! Hope you can detect these fake attempts! :)

  • Cthulhu_ 2 hours ago

    If you have no intent of using the app, why install it in the first place?

    But then, the purpose is less about going out and touching grass physically, and more about being aware of what you're spending your time on. A moment of self-reflection, if you will, and whether that's you going outside to find some grass or finding where you put your colour picture of grass and turning the lights on to get a good picture of it is by the by.

  • DisruptiveDave 4 hours ago

    Ya know what, searching for a picture, printing it out, and taking a pic in this app = not doomscrolling, so, mission accomplished?

lukeinator42 3 hours ago

This is great! A mode for snow would be awesome, haha. Up here in Canada there isn't always grass around in winter.

popol12 3 hours ago

Very nice, but why does it require iOS 17 ? Jailbreakers are stuck on iOS 16 (and some are stuck even lower than that.. )

  • hombre_fatal 3 hours ago

    I can't speak for this app, but every time I use SwiftUI, it turns out some basic thing I want, like the component or API method that is perfect for my app, was introduced in the latest iOS/macOS release. Every single dang time.

  • Cthulhu_ 2 hours ago

    iOS 17 is from Sept 2023, it is considered obsolete. Current -1 is a very normal and decent support window, and supporting that covers >90% of active installations.

ahmadtbk 27 minutes ago

Spending many hours not touching grass to build an app that makes you touch grass. I like it.

  • archon810 24 minutes ago

    If by many hours you mean probably 30 minutes in ChatGPT, then yes.

fandorin 4 hours ago

great concept! out of curiosity - what tool did you use to create the main UI app animation/video on the website?

twothamendment 29 minutes ago

It might be awhile before I can touch grass. There is quite a bit of snow on the ground!

Lynix48 3 hours ago

Funny how even the demo on their website has the annoying "rate this app" popup.

linklater12 3 hours ago

This is very cool. Congrats! I love it when apps force you to step outside. Pokemon Go was such a brilliant game in this regard! Wish we had more apps like this.

divan 4 hours ago

Works fine in Finland in winter!

dev0p 4 hours ago

That is fantastic. Should come preinstalled with every phone.

tsunego 2 hours ago

Reminds me of Pokémon go

parsimo2010 an hour ago

Imagine going to a ski resort and being locked out of your apps in the evening because everything is covered in snow.

allears an hour ago

Obviously for urbanites only. Here in Northern California, grass is a conspicuous waste of water, and is slowly going out of favor and being replaced by native xerophilic plants. Our neighbor has a lawn, but we've got wood chips and native shrubs instead.

If we all acknowledge that nature is an antidote to anxiety, why not consider moving out of the city?

tsylba 4 hours ago

I understand it's a meme, but you're not "touching grass" if you need the mediation of an app to do so.

It's engineer logic 101, when technically true does not mean ontologically true.

  • Chris2048 4 hours ago

    I think this is understood, and the app is partly satirical.

  • crsv 4 hours ago

    I bet you’re fun at parties.

FollowingTheDao 5 hours ago

Fun idea, but not the right way to end an addiction. Making it more difficult to get the dopamine (really epinephrine) hit will only lead to more frustration and reinforce the relief when you get your reward. In other words, it only makes the reward more pleasurable.

  • Cthulhu_ 2 hours ago

    What if the author adds some gamification strategies and awards the users points depending on how often, long, and diverse their grass-touching is, and add an infinite scroll feed of other users touching grass, which you can then upvote and engage with!

    (please sign up to my onlygrass page)

andy_ppp 5 hours ago

Okay this might help!

diamondfist25 4 hours ago

Wow what a great idea and all!

Mind if I ask what stack you used for this?

  • risquer 3 hours ago

    Sure! It's SwiftUI, Google vision and Screen time API

api 4 hours ago

Are there any good anti-procrastination Safari extensions for desktop? Sometimes it can be hypnotic.

20wenty 5 hours ago

I like the idea but it will be hard to build a moat -- if that's something you care about. How about making it more general? "touch grass", "feel sand between your fingers", "hug a tree" ...

  • risquer 3 hours ago

    I'm not quite sure what you mean by build a moat, could you explain further?

  • notachatbot123 5 hours ago

    Thank you for providing a perfect comment to reply "touch grass" to.

apriljo 4 hours ago

What do you do in the winter, eh?

Waterluvian 4 hours ago

I love it. And now I must make a “touching grass generator” to plug into the front of this.

wiether 3 hours ago

I'm afraid to ask, but on the demo video... Is that dog poop next to the hand?

ewalk153 5 hours ago

Nice idea. Would be great to have a winter mode for us that can’t literally touch grass for 3+ months a year ;)

maxehmookau 2 hours ago

I hate this and I love it. Good work.

yapyap 2 hours ago

bro has grass touching IAPa

jnajah 4 hours ago


  • latexr 4 hours ago

    I’m curious how long it takes on average to “tap and say” 100 times. In other words, how much time must you spend to get the extra 15 minutes?

obrhoff 4 hours ago

Is Hacker News the new Product Hunt?