skyyler 14 hours ago

>On the basis of these appeals, the PEGI Experts Group will develop a more granular set of classification criteria to handle gambling themes and the simulation, teaching and glamorisation of gambling in different age categories

Okay! Now make paid lootboxes an 18+ feature.

starkparker 12 hours ago

It's still wild* to me that implementing real-money games of chance in video games warrants lower PEGI ratings than "glamorizing" the concept of fictional-money games of chance.

* PEGI is industry self-regulation, so it makes perfect sense and is not wild at all, it just feels like it in any kind of removed context

jeffwask 12 hours ago

Good reversal. Balatro did not deserve a PEGI 18. There's more gambling in FIFA.

  • beenBoutIT 10 hours ago

    That PEGI 18 rating likely boosted Balatro's sales.

kelseyfrog 13 hours ago


  • favorited 12 hours ago

    There's no gambling in Balatro.

    • fredley 12 hours ago

      This time my Wheel of Fortune will hit, I know it!

    • kelseyfrog 12 hours ago

      Sure there is. Card packs all cost money and what you're going to get is up to chance.

      • favorited 10 hours ago

        By that same logic, a game of Monopoly is "gambling." Properties cost fake money, and your dice rolls are up to chance. And any definition of "gambling" that would include Monopoly is overly vague to the point of uselessness.

      • jjmarr 11 hours ago

        Are all probability-based mechanics requiring you to choose how you spend limited resources gambling?

        • kelseyfrog 11 hours ago

          Who knows, but the act of paying for the chance of a prize is definitionally gambling. See slot machines.

          • bluefirebrand 10 hours ago

            There are slot machine mechanics in tons of videogames that dont have 18+ ratings because they don't cost real money to play

            Hell, the very first Pokemon games on the Gameboy 30 years ago had slot machines.

            Should those have had 18+ ratings?

            Surely not. That would be absurd.

          • handoflixue 10 hours ago

            You spent time writing this post with the hope of earning the "prize" of karma. That's a higher price and a bigger prize than anything in Balatro

      • bluefirebrand 11 hours ago

        They don't cost real world money

        It is not "gambling" when the stakes are not real

        • kelseyfrog 11 hours ago

          Sorry, but it actually is. It's simply reality.

          • handoflixue 10 hours ago

            To gamble: "take risky action in the hope of a desired result"

            So, for instance, if you post on Hacker News and hope that people are swayed by your post, or will give interesting replies, you're gambling.

            Reading Hacker News is the hope that you'll find some good articles and commentary.

            Trust me, I'm risking FAR more by making this post than I've ever risked playing Balatro (although then again, buying a game is a risk, so... really, every purchase is gambling, wow!)

            Hopefully you can see how this is an incredibly useless definition for the purposes of holding a meaningful conversation about the world?

          • bluefirebrand 11 hours ago

            No, it literally isn't

            From wikipedia:

            ``` Gambling (also known as betting or gaming) is the wagering of something of value ("the stakes") on a random event with the intent of winning something else of value, where instances of strategy are discounted. Gambling thus requires three elements to be present: consideration (an amount wagered), risk (chance), and a prize. ```

            If you arent wagering anything of value then it is not gambling

            Fake game currency is not of value

            • singleshot_ 10 hours ago

              Surely if you can exchange something to be entertained, it has some value…

              • handoflixue 10 hours ago

                Yes, and Hacker News karma points have even more value, and are even riskier to acquire - everyone in this thread is gambling harder than you do in Balatro

            • kelseyfrog 10 hours ago


              • Sohcahtoa82 10 hours ago

                Don't you have better things to do than pretend to be a 12 year old on the internet?